mariabloodwell: So who else ships their OTP in every single possible way be it one genderbent, both genderbent, normal, in cat form, in parallel universes, in a highschool AU, as ghosts, as demons, as angels, one being an angel and one a demon, as souls,
mariabloodwell: So who else ships their OTP in every single possible way be it one genderbent, both genderbent, normal, in cat form, in parallel universes, in a highschool AU, as ghosts, as demons, as angels, one being an angel and one a demon, as souls,
mariabloodwell: So who else ships their OTP in every single possible way be it one genderbent, both genderbent, normal, in cat form, in parallel universes, in a highschool AU, as ghosts, as demons, as angels, one being an angel and one a demon, as souls,
mariabloodwell: So who else ships their OTP in every single possible way be it one genderbent, both genderbent, normal, in cat form, in parallel universes, in a highschool AU, as ghosts, as demons, as angels, one being an angel and one a demon, as souls,