ogremom: “”rawr’ means ‘i love you’ in dinosaur,” said the girl in the rise against t-shirt painting her nails in the back of your high school english class. you laugh at her. years later, when the pterodactyls return to eradicate humanity,
ogremom: “”rawr’ means ‘i love you’ in dinosaur,” said the girl in the rise against t-shirt painting her nails in the back of your high school english class. you laugh at her. years later, when the pterodactyls return to eradicate humanity,
ogremom: “”rawr’ means ‘i love you’ in dinosaur,” said the girl in the rise against t-shirt painting her nails in the back of your high school english class. you laugh at her. years later, when the pterodactyls return to eradicate humanity,
ogremom: “”rawr’ means ‘i love you’ in dinosaur,” said the girl in the rise against t-shirt painting her nails in the back of your high school english class. you laugh at her. years later, when the pterodactyls return to eradicate humanity,