tapixlaughingalonewithheridiocy: perhapssomethingwitty: robopolis: Was planning on coloring all four of them in and then posting them all together in a photoset, but I’m dumb and started doing these with the binary pen completely forgetting tumblr
tapixlaughingalonewithheridiocy: perhapssomethingwitty: robopolis: Was planning on coloring all four of them in and then posting them all together in a photoset, but I’m dumb and started doing these with the binary pen completely forgetting tumblr
tapixlaughingalonewithheridiocy: perhapssomethingwitty: robopolis: Was planning on coloring all four of them in and then posting them all together in a photoset, but I’m dumb and started doing these with the binary pen completely forgetting tumblr