cisplanation: the thing tha tbothers me on that post of the kid wearing 10 3D glasses saying theyre gonna watch movies in the 30th dimension is that theyre imagining its 3x10 to get 30 but in reality itd be 3^10 which would essentially be the 59049th
cisplanation: the thing tha tbothers me on that post of the kid wearing 10 3D glasses saying theyre gonna watch movies in the 30th dimension is that theyre imagining its 3x10 to get 30 but in reality itd be 3^10 which would essentially be the 59049th
cisplanation: the thing tha tbothers me on that post of the kid wearing 10 3D glasses saying theyre gonna watch movies in the 30th dimension is that theyre imagining its 3x10 to get 30 but in reality itd be 3^10 which would essentially be the 59049th