brook: so pixiv might be blocked to all citizens in non-asian countries because PEOPLE DON’T FUCKING STOP EDITING SHIT WITHOUT PERMISSION props to you tumblr if you fuck up a great art website for everyone else because you want to throw some shitty
brook: so pixiv might be blocked to all citizens in non-asian countries because PEOPLE DON’T FUCKING STOP EDITING SHIT WITHOUT PERMISSION props to you tumblr if you fuck up a great art website for everyone else because you want to throw some shitty
brook: so pixiv might be blocked to all citizens in non-asian countries because PEOPLE DON’T FUCKING STOP EDITING SHIT WITHOUT PERMISSION props to you tumblr if you fuck up a great art website for everyone else because you want to throw some shitty
brook: so pixiv might be blocked to all citizens in non-asian countries because PEOPLE DON’T FUCKING STOP EDITING SHIT WITHOUT PERMISSION props to you tumblr if you fuck up a great art website for everyone else because you want to throw some shitty