knicker0cker: I highly value my ability to both see and communicate during play, so to be both blind and mute during this scene was very nearly my undoing But by god, did I smile for an hour afterwards and that nearly hurt as much as the sutures did!
knicker0cker: I highly value my ability to both see and communicate during play, so to be both blind and mute during this scene was very nearly my undoing But by god, did I smile for an hour afterwards and that nearly hurt as much as the sutures did!
knicker0cker: I highly value my ability to both see and communicate during play, so to be both blind and mute during this scene was very nearly my undoing But by god, did I smile for an hour afterwards and that nearly hurt as much as the sutures did!
knicker0cker: I highly value my ability to both see and communicate during play, so to be both blind and mute during this scene was very nearly my undoing But by god, did I smile for an hour afterwards and that nearly hurt as much as the sutures did!