hansolong: “And here is what Leia does, when you force her into a scanty outfit and choke-chain: she takes that chain, and she kills you with it.” [x]
hansolong: “And here is what Leia does, when you force her into a scanty outfit and choke-chain: she takes that chain, and she kills you with it.” [x]
hansolong: “And here is what Leia does, when you force her into a scanty outfit and choke-chain: she takes that chain, and she kills you with it.” [x]
hansolong: “And here is what Leia does, when you force her into a scanty outfit and choke-chain: she takes that chain, and she kills you with it.” [x]
hansolong: “And here is what Leia does, when you force her into a scanty outfit and choke-chain: she takes that chain, and she kills you with it.” [x]