funeral-wreaths: The forest in German Romanticism Moritz von Schwind, The Apparition in the Forest, 1823Ludwig Richter, St Genoveva in the Forest, 1847-48Carl Wilhelm Kolbe, Fantastical Tree, 1830, and Lovers in a Grotto, 1830-35
funeral-wreaths: The forest in German Romanticism Moritz von Schwind, The Apparition in the Forest, 1823Ludwig Richter, St Genoveva in the Forest, 1847-48Carl Wilhelm Kolbe, Fantastical Tree, 1830, and Lovers in a Grotto, 1830-35
funeral-wreaths: The forest in German Romanticism Moritz von Schwind, The Apparition in the Forest, 1823Ludwig Richter, St Genoveva in the Forest, 1847-48Carl Wilhelm Kolbe, Fantastical Tree, 1830, and Lovers in a Grotto, 1830-35
funeral-wreaths: The forest in German Romanticism Moritz von Schwind, The Apparition in the Forest, 1823Ludwig Richter, St Genoveva in the Forest, 1847-48Carl Wilhelm Kolbe, Fantastical Tree, 1830, and Lovers in a Grotto, 1830-35
funeral-wreaths: The forest in German Romanticism Moritz von Schwind, The Apparition in the Forest, 1823Ludwig Richter, St Genoveva in the Forest, 1847-48Carl Wilhelm Kolbe, Fantastical Tree, 1830, and Lovers in a Grotto, 1830-35