graphographer: Got commissioned to make this, in a private live stream. Was a fun time, and a fun couple of images! I got to try out some newish inking stuff which was neat.
graphographer: Got commissioned to make this, in a private live stream. Was a fun time, and a fun couple of images! I got to try out some newish inking stuff which was neat.
graphographer: Got commissioned to make this, in a private live stream. Was a fun time, and a fun couple of images! I got to try out some newish inking stuff which was neat.
graphographer: Got commissioned to make this, in a private live stream. Was a fun time, and a fun couple of images! I got to try out some newish inking stuff which was neat.
graphographer: Got commissioned to make this, in a private live stream. Was a fun time, and a fun couple of images! I got to try out some newish inking stuff which was neat.