dansome0203: I got a few asks that I figured I’d draw a bit to. Q&A belowQ1. Is Bethany a recycled character or one you’ve used before? (paraphrased)A1. I have the tendency to recycle characters a lot but nah, she’s super brand new(ish). I
dansome0203: I got a few asks that I figured I’d draw a bit to. Q&A belowQ1. Is Bethany a recycled character or one you’ve used before? (paraphrased)A1. I have the tendency to recycle characters a lot but nah, she’s super brand new(ish). I
dansome0203: I got a few asks that I figured I’d draw a bit to. Q&A belowQ1. Is Bethany a recycled character or one you’ve used before? (paraphrased)A1. I have the tendency to recycle characters a lot but nah, she’s super brand new(ish). I