ferrousoxide: Did a Kirika sequence for a friend. A lot more work than I typically do, and you can see how i can’t keep character designs or proportions consistent (excluding the intentionally changed proportions).
ferrousoxide: Did a Kirika sequence for a friend. A lot more work than I typically do, and you can see how i can’t keep character designs or proportions consistent (excluding the intentionally changed proportions).
ferrousoxide: Did a Kirika sequence for a friend. A lot more work than I typically do, and you can see how i can’t keep character designs or proportions consistent (excluding the intentionally changed proportions).
ferrousoxide: Did a Kirika sequence for a friend. A lot more work than I typically do, and you can see how i can’t keep character designs or proportions consistent (excluding the intentionally changed proportions).
ferrousoxide: Did a Kirika sequence for a friend. A lot more work than I typically do, and you can see how i can’t keep character designs or proportions consistent (excluding the intentionally changed proportions).