robotlyra: Stufful evolves into Bewear out of pure spite, simply for the purposes of going “OKAY, HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING HUGGED WITHOUT PERMISSION, ASSHOLE?”
robotlyra: Stufful evolves into Bewear out of pure spite, simply for the purposes of going “OKAY, HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING HUGGED WITHOUT PERMISSION, ASSHOLE?”
robotlyra: Stufful evolves into Bewear out of pure spite, simply for the purposes of going “OKAY, HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING HUGGED WITHOUT PERMISSION, ASSHOLE?”
robotlyra: Stufful evolves into Bewear out of pure spite, simply for the purposes of going “OKAY, HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING HUGGED WITHOUT PERMISSION, ASSHOLE?”
robotlyra: Stufful evolves into Bewear out of pure spite, simply for the purposes of going “OKAY, HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING HUGGED WITHOUT PERMISSION, ASSHOLE?”