cloysterbell: cloysterbell: So every time I write a paper, I tend to forget to title it so I usually put in a filler title to remind myself. One time I forgot to replace this filler title and submitted it like that. Ooooh boy did my professor judge
cloysterbell: cloysterbell: So every time I write a paper, I tend to forget to title it so I usually put in a filler title to remind myself. One time I forgot to replace this filler title and submitted it like that. Ooooh boy did my professor judge
cloysterbell: cloysterbell: So every time I write a paper, I tend to forget to title it so I usually put in a filler title to remind myself. One time I forgot to replace this filler title and submitted it like that. Ooooh boy did my professor judge
cloysterbell: cloysterbell: So every time I write a paper, I tend to forget to title it so I usually put in a filler title to remind myself. One time I forgot to replace this filler title and submitted it like that. Ooooh boy did my professor judge
cloysterbell: cloysterbell: So every time I write a paper, I tend to forget to title it so I usually put in a filler title to remind myself. One time I forgot to replace this filler title and submitted it like that. Ooooh boy did my professor judge
cloysterbell: cloysterbell: So every time I write a paper, I tend to forget to title it so I usually put in a filler title to remind myself. One time I forgot to replace this filler title and submitted it like that. Ooooh boy did my professor judge
cloysterbell: cloysterbell: So every time I write a paper, I tend to forget to title it so I usually put in a filler title to remind myself. One time I forgot to replace this filler title and submitted it like that. Ooooh boy did my professor judge
cloysterbell: cloysterbell: So every time I write a paper, I tend to forget to title it so I usually put in a filler title to remind myself. One time I forgot to replace this filler title and submitted it like that. Ooooh boy did my professor judge
cloysterbell: cloysterbell: So every time I write a paper, I tend to forget to title it so I usually put in a filler title to remind myself. One time I forgot to replace this filler title and submitted it like that. Ooooh boy did my professor judge
cloysterbell: cloysterbell: So every time I write a paper, I tend to forget to title it so I usually put in a filler title to remind myself. One time I forgot to replace this filler title and submitted it like that. Ooooh boy did my professor judge
cloysterbell: cloysterbell: So every time I write a paper, I tend to forget to title it so I usually put in a filler title to remind myself. One time I forgot to replace this filler title and submitted it like that. Ooooh boy did my professor judge
cloysterbell: cloysterbell: So every time I write a paper, I tend to forget to title it so I usually put in a filler title to remind myself. One time I forgot to replace this filler title and submitted it like that. Ooooh boy did my professor judge