sixpenceee: As explained by _MrChomper_“Those are seeds of the trees from the populus genus. What are you seeing burn is the cellulose filament which is used to make the seeds fly into the air or float on the water and make sure the plant can colonize
sixpenceee: As explained by _MrChomper_“Those are seeds of the trees from the populus genus. What are you seeing burn is the cellulose filament which is used to make the seeds fly into the air or float on the water and make sure the plant can colonize
sixpenceee: As explained by _MrChomper_“Those are seeds of the trees from the populus genus. What are you seeing burn is the cellulose filament which is used to make the seeds fly into the air or float on the water and make sure the plant can colonize
sixpenceee: As explained by _MrChomper_“Those are seeds of the trees from the populus genus. What are you seeing burn is the cellulose filament which is used to make the seeds fly into the air or float on the water and make sure the plant can colonize
sixpenceee: As explained by _MrChomper_“Those are seeds of the trees from the populus genus. What are you seeing burn is the cellulose filament which is used to make the seeds fly into the air or float on the water and make sure the plant can colonize
sixpenceee: As explained by _MrChomper_“Those are seeds of the trees from the populus genus. What are you seeing burn is the cellulose filament which is used to make the seeds fly into the air or float on the water and make sure the plant can colonize
sixpenceee: As explained by _MrChomper_“Those are seeds of the trees from the populus genus. What are you seeing burn is the cellulose filament which is used to make the seeds fly into the air or float on the water and make sure the plant can colonize
sixpenceee: As explained by _MrChomper_“Those are seeds of the trees from the populus genus. What are you seeing burn is the cellulose filament which is used to make the seeds fly into the air or float on the water and make sure the plant can colonize
sixpenceee: As explained by _MrChomper_“Those are seeds of the trees from the populus genus. What are you seeing burn is the cellulose filament which is used to make the seeds fly into the air or float on the water and make sure the plant can colonize
sixpenceee: As explained by _MrChomper_“Those are seeds of the trees from the populus genus. What are you seeing burn is the cellulose filament which is used to make the seeds fly into the air or float on the water and make sure the plant can colonize
sixpenceee: As explained by _MrChomper_“Those are seeds of the trees from the populus genus. What are you seeing burn is the cellulose filament which is used to make the seeds fly into the air or float on the water and make sure the plant can colonize
sixpenceee: As explained by _MrChomper_“Those are seeds of the trees from the populus genus. What are you seeing burn is the cellulose filament which is used to make the seeds fly into the air or float on the water and make sure the plant can colonize
sixpenceee: As explained by _MrChomper_“Those are seeds of the trees from the populus genus. What are you seeing burn is the cellulose filament which is used to make the seeds fly into the air or float on the water and make sure the plant can colonize