adjustmer: Typical Manc always wears grey trackies 🙌🏻 I love to see men in gray sweats. I heard a man once say “I wear gray sweats cuz I know it distracts people, and I love being a distraction”
adjustmer: Typical Manc always wears grey trackies 🙌🏻 I love to see men in gray sweats. I heard a man once say “I wear gray sweats cuz I know it distracts people, and I love being a distraction”
adjustmer: Typical Manc always wears grey trackies 🙌🏻 I love to see men in gray sweats. I heard a man once say “I wear gray sweats cuz I know it distracts people, and I love being a distraction”
adjustmer: Typical Manc always wears grey trackies 🙌🏻 I love to see men in gray sweats. I heard a man once say “I wear gray sweats cuz I know it distracts people, and I love being a distraction”