“Heart Strings” Better known as “tendinous cords”, located in the ventricles. These strands of collagen and elastin connect the papillary muscle and atrio-ventrical valves, preventing prolapse into the atria during ventricular constriction and allow
“Heart Strings” Better known as “tendinous cords”, located in the ventricles. These strands of collagen and elastin connect the papillary muscle and atrio-ventrical valves, preventing prolapse into the atria during ventricular constriction and allow
“Heart Strings” Better known as “tendinous cords”, located in the ventricles. These strands of collagen and elastin connect the papillary muscle and atrio-ventrical valves, preventing prolapse into the atria during ventricular constriction and allow
“Heart Strings” Better known as “tendinous cords”, located in the ventricles. These strands of collagen and elastin connect the papillary muscle and atrio-ventrical valves, preventing prolapse into the atria during ventricular constriction and allow