imperial-palace: Red can’t handle that alone, he can try but is hard to me imagine Red doing a good Job taking care of someone who is not a pokémon, of course he can learn so the next time he would know what to do
imperial-palace: Red can’t handle that alone, he can try but is hard to me imagine Red doing a good Job taking care of someone who is not a pokémon, of course he can learn so the next time he would know what to do
imperial-palace: Red can’t handle that alone, he can try but is hard to me imagine Red doing a good Job taking care of someone who is not a pokémon, of course he can learn so the next time he would know what to do
imperial-palace: Red can’t handle that alone, he can try but is hard to me imagine Red doing a good Job taking care of someone who is not a pokémon, of course he can learn so the next time he would know what to do