light-in-the-void: -crawls out of hiatus to chuck this out in appreciation-Happy Diode Day!! My love for these two sweet dorks is unending, thanks for making the world a cuter place haha May we all continue to enjoy C:These are the boys from my PokeGo
light-in-the-void: -crawls out of hiatus to chuck this out in appreciation-Happy Diode Day!! My love for these two sweet dorks is unending, thanks for making the world a cuter place haha May we all continue to enjoy C:These are the boys from my PokeGo
light-in-the-void: -crawls out of hiatus to chuck this out in appreciation-Happy Diode Day!! My love for these two sweet dorks is unending, thanks for making the world a cuter place haha May we all continue to enjoy C:These are the boys from my PokeGo
light-in-the-void: -crawls out of hiatus to chuck this out in appreciation-Happy Diode Day!! My love for these two sweet dorks is unending, thanks for making the world a cuter place haha May we all continue to enjoy C:These are the boys from my PokeGo
light-in-the-void: -crawls out of hiatus to chuck this out in appreciation-Happy Diode Day!! My love for these two sweet dorks is unending, thanks for making the world a cuter place haha May we all continue to enjoy C:These are the boys from my PokeGo