bencumber: that shaky thing your voice does when you’re confronting someone or speaking up for yourself is the worst damn thing it’s like you have no intentions of crying but your nervousness overcomes your vocal cords and you end up looking like
bencumber: that shaky thing your voice does when you’re confronting someone or speaking up for yourself is the worst damn thing it’s like you have no intentions of crying but your nervousness overcomes your vocal cords and you end up looking like
bencumber: that shaky thing your voice does when you’re confronting someone or speaking up for yourself is the worst damn thing it’s like you have no intentions of crying but your nervousness overcomes your vocal cords and you end up looking like
bencumber: that shaky thing your voice does when you’re confronting someone or speaking up for yourself is the worst damn thing it’s like you have no intentions of crying but your nervousness overcomes your vocal cords and you end up looking like