mobileboots: Journal entries taken from the Pokedex of Gold detailing his encounters with Silver, his greatest rival throughout his journey in Johto and Kanto.
mobileboots: Journal entries taken from the Pokedex of Gold detailing his encounters with Silver, his greatest rival throughout his journey in Johto and Kanto.
mobileboots: Journal entries taken from the Pokedex of Gold detailing his encounters with Silver, his greatest rival throughout his journey in Johto and Kanto.
mobileboots: Journal entries taken from the Pokedex of Gold detailing his encounters with Silver, his greatest rival throughout his journey in Johto and Kanto.
mobileboots: Journal entries taken from the Pokedex of Gold detailing his encounters with Silver, his greatest rival throughout his journey in Johto and Kanto.
mobileboots: Journal entries taken from the Pokedex of Gold detailing his encounters with Silver, his greatest rival throughout his journey in Johto and Kanto.
mobileboots: Journal entries taken from the Pokedex of Gold detailing his encounters with Silver, his greatest rival throughout his journey in Johto and Kanto.
mobileboots: Journal entries taken from the Pokedex of Gold detailing his encounters with Silver, his greatest rival throughout his journey in Johto and Kanto.
mobileboots: Journal entries taken from the Pokedex of Gold detailing his encounters with Silver, his greatest rival throughout his journey in Johto and Kanto.
mobileboots: Journal entries taken from the Pokedex of Gold detailing his encounters with Silver, his greatest rival throughout his journey in Johto and Kanto.
mobileboots: Journal entries taken from the Pokedex of Gold detailing his encounters with Silver, his greatest rival throughout his journey in Johto and Kanto.