pelicanmutt: i cant believe im hesitating making this post but if someone has a comfort object, like a blanket or a stuffed animal or anythign that they have to sleep with in order to make them feel secure or positive, don’t fucking make fun of them.
pelicanmutt: i cant believe im hesitating making this post but if someone has a comfort object, like a blanket or a stuffed animal or anythign that they have to sleep with in order to make them feel secure or positive, don’t fucking make fun of them.
pelicanmutt: i cant believe im hesitating making this post but if someone has a comfort object, like a blanket or a stuffed animal or anythign that they have to sleep with in order to make them feel secure or positive, don’t fucking make fun of them.
pelicanmutt: i cant believe im hesitating making this post but if someone has a comfort object, like a blanket or a stuffed animal or anythign that they have to sleep with in order to make them feel secure or positive, don’t fucking make fun of them.