gayoak: still laughin about it tbh he calls the cheerleaders his girlfriends in japanese but then later i just„ „ , i love you gary but you are never ever gonna have a girlfriend or a tan for that matter
gayoak: still laughin about it tbh he calls the cheerleaders his girlfriends in japanese but then later i just„ „ , i love you gary but you are never ever gonna have a girlfriend or a tan for that matter
gayoak: still laughin about it tbh he calls the cheerleaders his girlfriends in japanese but then later i just„ „ , i love you gary but you are never ever gonna have a girlfriend or a tan for that matter
gayoak: still laughin about it tbh he calls the cheerleaders his girlfriends in japanese but then later i just„ „ , i love you gary but you are never ever gonna have a girlfriend or a tan for that matter