dandelionandkrindle: PROUDMOORE FLAGSHIPThe Proudmoore flagship is a Kul Tiran battleship that formerly served Dealin Proudmoore. At some point it was sunk and many years later, Jaina Proudmoore raised it from the bottom of the Great Sea from a location
dandelionandkrindle: PROUDMOORE FLAGSHIPThe Proudmoore flagship is a Kul Tiran battleship that formerly served Dealin Proudmoore. At some point it was sunk and many years later, Jaina Proudmoore raised it from the bottom of the Great Sea from a location
dandelionandkrindle: PROUDMOORE FLAGSHIPThe Proudmoore flagship is a Kul Tiran battleship that formerly served Dealin Proudmoore. At some point it was sunk and many years later, Jaina Proudmoore raised it from the bottom of the Great Sea from a location
dandelionandkrindle: PROUDMOORE FLAGSHIPThe Proudmoore flagship is a Kul Tiran battleship that formerly served Dealin Proudmoore. At some point it was sunk and many years later, Jaina Proudmoore raised it from the bottom of the Great Sea from a location
dandelionandkrindle: PROUDMOORE FLAGSHIPThe Proudmoore flagship is a Kul Tiran battleship that formerly served Dealin Proudmoore. At some point it was sunk and many years later, Jaina Proudmoore raised it from the bottom of the Great Sea from a location
dandelionandkrindle: PROUDMOORE FLAGSHIPThe Proudmoore flagship is a Kul Tiran battleship that formerly served Dealin Proudmoore. At some point it was sunk and many years later, Jaina Proudmoore raised it from the bottom of the Great Sea from a location