wexler: “You’re right. I can’t pretend to understand what you’re going through. I’ve never owned a house. My family never owned one, either. We never owned…anything. When I was little, my mother used to shake me awake in the middle of the
wexler: “You’re right. I can’t pretend to understand what you’re going through. I’ve never owned a house. My family never owned one, either. We never owned…anything. When I was little, my mother used to shake me awake in the middle of the
wexler: “You’re right. I can’t pretend to understand what you’re going through. I’ve never owned a house. My family never owned one, either. We never owned…anything. When I was little, my mother used to shake me awake in the middle of the
wexler: “You’re right. I can’t pretend to understand what you’re going through. I’ve never owned a house. My family never owned one, either. We never owned…anything. When I was little, my mother used to shake me awake in the middle of the
wexler: “You’re right. I can’t pretend to understand what you’re going through. I’ve never owned a house. My family never owned one, either. We never owned…anything. When I was little, my mother used to shake me awake in the middle of the
wexler: “You’re right. I can’t pretend to understand what you’re going through. I’ve never owned a house. My family never owned one, either. We never owned…anything. When I was little, my mother used to shake me awake in the middle of the
wexler: “You’re right. I can’t pretend to understand what you’re going through. I’ve never owned a house. My family never owned one, either. We never owned…anything. When I was little, my mother used to shake me awake in the middle of the