hanatsuki89: Off to defeat the Blight, but not before retrieving gifts for my companions!(I love Morrigan, especially when you thank her and she stutters)
hanatsuki89: Off to defeat the Blight, but not before retrieving gifts for my companions!(I love Morrigan, especially when you thank her and she stutters)
hanatsuki89: Off to defeat the Blight, but not before retrieving gifts for my companions!(I love Morrigan, especially when you thank her and she stutters)
hanatsuki89: Off to defeat the Blight, but not before retrieving gifts for my companions!(I love Morrigan, especially when you thank her and she stutters)
hanatsuki89: Off to defeat the Blight, but not before retrieving gifts for my companions!(I love Morrigan, especially when you thank her and she stutters)