bearlyfunctioning: Comic #218: Hair matters - Patreon - Twitter - Facebook - Art tumblr HOLD THE PRESSES!They added pixels to the front of my in-game character so she can look more like I imagine her??? I AM LOOSING MY GOTTDANG MIND!Really though
bearlyfunctioning: Comic #218: Hair matters - Patreon - Twitter - Facebook - Art tumblr HOLD THE PRESSES!They added pixels to the front of my in-game character so she can look more like I imagine her??? I AM LOOSING MY GOTTDANG MIND!Really though
bearlyfunctioning: Comic #218: Hair matters - Patreon - Twitter - Facebook - Art tumblr HOLD THE PRESSES!They added pixels to the front of my in-game character so she can look more like I imagine her??? I AM LOOSING MY GOTTDANG MIND!Really though
bearlyfunctioning: Comic #218: Hair matters - Patreon - Twitter - Facebook - Art tumblr HOLD THE PRESSES!They added pixels to the front of my in-game character so she can look more like I imagine her??? I AM LOOSING MY GOTTDANG MIND!Really though
bearlyfunctioning: Comic #218: Hair matters - Patreon - Twitter - Facebook - Art tumblr HOLD THE PRESSES!They added pixels to the front of my in-game character so she can look more like I imagine her??? I AM LOOSING MY GOTTDANG MIND!Really though