I think it’s kinda hilarious that the Diamonds have a special phone specifically for calling each other that is also rigged to become a bomb remotely because honestly that function must have very limited utility and probably wouldn’t really
I think it’s kinda hilarious that the Diamonds have a special phone specifically for calling each other that is also rigged to become a bomb remotely because honestly that function must have very limited utility and probably wouldn’t really
I think it’s kinda hilarious that the Diamonds have a special phone specifically for calling each other that is also rigged to become a bomb remotely because honestly that function must have very limited utility and probably wouldn’t really
I think it’s kinda hilarious that the Diamonds have a special phone specifically for calling each other that is also rigged to become a bomb remotely because honestly that function must have very limited utility and probably wouldn’t really
I think it’s kinda hilarious that the Diamonds have a special phone specifically for calling each other that is also rigged to become a bomb remotely because honestly that function must have very limited utility and probably wouldn’t really
I think it’s kinda hilarious that the Diamonds have a special phone specifically for calling each other that is also rigged to become a bomb remotely because honestly that function must have very limited utility and probably wouldn’t really
I think it’s kinda hilarious that the Diamonds have a special phone specifically for calling each other that is also rigged to become a bomb remotely because honestly that function must have very limited utility and probably wouldn’t really
I think it’s kinda hilarious that the Diamonds have a special phone specifically for calling each other that is also rigged to become a bomb remotely because honestly that function must have very limited utility and probably wouldn’t really
I think it’s kinda hilarious that the Diamonds have a special phone specifically for calling each other that is also rigged to become a bomb remotely because honestly that function must have very limited utility and probably wouldn’t really
I think it’s kinda hilarious that the Diamonds have a special phone specifically for calling each other that is also rigged to become a bomb remotely because honestly that function must have very limited utility and probably wouldn’t really