tomato-bird: Just think about the life you’ll have together after the war Had some ideas for a WWII!AU with Pearl and Rose being part of the WASPs so I doodled some things, also testing out my new brushes! Bonus: Have a top hat Pearl á la Marlene
tomato-bird: Just think about the life you’ll have together after the war Had some ideas for a WWII!AU with Pearl and Rose being part of the WASPs so I doodled some things, also testing out my new brushes! Bonus: Have a top hat Pearl á la Marlene
tomato-bird: Just think about the life you’ll have together after the war Had some ideas for a WWII!AU with Pearl and Rose being part of the WASPs so I doodled some things, also testing out my new brushes! Bonus: Have a top hat Pearl á la Marlene