shattered-earth: So the current set of pokeballs so far! Just added the master ball and premier (aptly a “shiny” version of a pokeball LOL) All of them will be available for purchase at cons EXCEPT the premier ball which will be free if and only
shattered-earth: So the current set of pokeballs so far! Just added the master ball and premier (aptly a “shiny” version of a pokeball LOL) All of them will be available for purchase at cons EXCEPT the premier ball which will be free if and only
shattered-earth: So the current set of pokeballs so far! Just added the master ball and premier (aptly a “shiny” version of a pokeball LOL) All of them will be available for purchase at cons EXCEPT the premier ball which will be free if and only
shattered-earth: So the current set of pokeballs so far! Just added the master ball and premier (aptly a “shiny” version of a pokeball LOL) All of them will be available for purchase at cons EXCEPT the premier ball which will be free if and only
shattered-earth: So the current set of pokeballs so far! Just added the master ball and premier (aptly a “shiny” version of a pokeball LOL) All of them will be available for purchase at cons EXCEPT the premier ball which will be free if and only
shattered-earth: So the current set of pokeballs so far! Just added the master ball and premier (aptly a “shiny” version of a pokeball LOL) All of them will be available for purchase at cons EXCEPT the premier ball which will be free if and only