stevenuniverseficprompts: The world was going black- objectively, Pearl knew that her form was wavering- every black spot, every star and ribbon that danced through her vision- was her grasp on her body failing. She had left her there to die- and soon,
stevenuniverseficprompts: The world was going black- objectively, Pearl knew that her form was wavering- every black spot, every star and ribbon that danced through her vision- was her grasp on her body failing. She had left her there to die- and soon,
stevenuniverseficprompts: The world was going black- objectively, Pearl knew that her form was wavering- every black spot, every star and ribbon that danced through her vision- was her grasp on her body failing. She had left her there to die- and soon,
stevenuniverseficprompts: The world was going black- objectively, Pearl knew that her form was wavering- every black spot, every star and ribbon that danced through her vision- was her grasp on her body failing. She had left her there to die- and soon,
stevenuniverseficprompts: The world was going black- objectively, Pearl knew that her form was wavering- every black spot, every star and ribbon that danced through her vision- was her grasp on her body failing. She had left her there to die- and soon,
stevenuniverseficprompts: The world was going black- objectively, Pearl knew that her form was wavering- every black spot, every star and ribbon that danced through her vision- was her grasp on her body failing. She had left her there to die- and soon,
stevenuniverseficprompts: The world was going black- objectively, Pearl knew that her form was wavering- every black spot, every star and ribbon that danced through her vision- was her grasp on her body failing. She had left her there to die- and soon,
stevenuniverseficprompts: The world was going black- objectively, Pearl knew that her form was wavering- every black spot, every star and ribbon that danced through her vision- was her grasp on her body failing. She had left her there to die- and soon,
stevenuniverseficprompts: The world was going black- objectively, Pearl knew that her form was wavering- every black spot, every star and ribbon that danced through her vision- was her grasp on her body failing. She had left her there to die- and soon,
stevenuniverseficprompts: The world was going black- objectively, Pearl knew that her form was wavering- every black spot, every star and ribbon that danced through her vision- was her grasp on her body failing. She had left her there to die- and soon,
stevenuniverseficprompts: The world was going black- objectively, Pearl knew that her form was wavering- every black spot, every star and ribbon that danced through her vision- was her grasp on her body failing. She had left her there to die- and soon,