Tyler Durden appears in the film six times prior to The Narrator actually meeting him on the plane. Four of these appearances are single frame flashes, which director David Fincher refers to on his DVD commentary as “subliminal Brads” (a single frame
Tyler Durden appears in the film six times prior to The Narrator actually meeting him on the plane. Four of these appearances are single frame flashes, which director David Fincher refers to on his DVD commentary as “subliminal Brads” (a single frame
Tyler Durden appears in the film six times prior to The Narrator actually meeting him on the plane. Four of these appearances are single frame flashes, which director David Fincher refers to on his DVD commentary as “subliminal Brads” (a single frame
Tyler Durden appears in the film six times prior to The Narrator actually meeting him on the plane. Four of these appearances are single frame flashes, which director David Fincher refers to on his DVD commentary as “subliminal Brads” (a single frame
Tyler Durden appears in the film six times prior to The Narrator actually meeting him on the plane. Four of these appearances are single frame flashes, which director David Fincher refers to on his DVD commentary as “subliminal Brads” (a single frame