brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone
brook: manaphy: i refused to watch yu gi oh as a kid bc that one guys hair pissed me off the funniest part about this post is this could refer to literally anyone