bananasaregood-bowtiesarecool: The British call them crisps. The Americans call them chips. But i will always prefer the Norwegian one, potetgull, which directly translates to potato gold.
bananasaregood-bowtiesarecool: The British call them crisps. The Americans call them chips. But i will always prefer the Norwegian one, potetgull, which directly translates to potato gold.
bananasaregood-bowtiesarecool: The British call them crisps. The Americans call them chips. But i will always prefer the Norwegian one, potetgull, which directly translates to potato gold.
bananasaregood-bowtiesarecool: The British call them crisps. The Americans call them chips. But i will always prefer the Norwegian one, potetgull, which directly translates to potato gold.
bananasaregood-bowtiesarecool: The British call them crisps. The Americans call them chips. But i will always prefer the Norwegian one, potetgull, which directly translates to potato gold.
bananasaregood-bowtiesarecool: The British call them crisps. The Americans call them chips. But i will always prefer the Norwegian one, potetgull, which directly translates to potato gold.
bananasaregood-bowtiesarecool: The British call them crisps. The Americans call them chips. But i will always prefer the Norwegian one, potetgull, which directly translates to potato gold.
bananasaregood-bowtiesarecool: The British call them crisps. The Americans call them chips. But i will always prefer the Norwegian one, potetgull, which directly translates to potato gold.
bananasaregood-bowtiesarecool: The British call them crisps. The Americans call them chips. But i will always prefer the Norwegian one, potetgull, which directly translates to potato gold.
bananasaregood-bowtiesarecool: The British call them crisps. The Americans call them chips. But i will always prefer the Norwegian one, potetgull, which directly translates to potato gold.
bananasaregood-bowtiesarecool: The British call them crisps. The Americans call them chips. But i will always prefer the Norwegian one, potetgull, which directly translates to potato gold.
bananasaregood-bowtiesarecool: The British call them crisps. The Americans call them chips. But i will always prefer the Norwegian one, potetgull, which directly translates to potato gold.