whimsicalspecks: mad-man-without-a-plan: ajnosftw: Twelve’s in for a makeover. THAT’S IT. THIS IS HOW I CONTRIBUTE TO THE DOCTOR WHO FANDOM. PURE, UNFILTERED CRACK. i can’t decide what’s better - six’s face, the question mark stencil, or
whimsicalspecks: mad-man-without-a-plan: ajnosftw: Twelve’s in for a makeover. THAT’S IT. THIS IS HOW I CONTRIBUTE TO THE DOCTOR WHO FANDOM. PURE, UNFILTERED CRACK. i can’t decide what’s better - six’s face, the question mark stencil, or
whimsicalspecks: mad-man-without-a-plan: ajnosftw: Twelve’s in for a makeover. THAT’S IT. THIS IS HOW I CONTRIBUTE TO THE DOCTOR WHO FANDOM. PURE, UNFILTERED CRACK. i can’t decide what’s better - six’s face, the question mark stencil, or
whimsicalspecks: mad-man-without-a-plan: ajnosftw: Twelve’s in for a makeover. THAT’S IT. THIS IS HOW I CONTRIBUTE TO THE DOCTOR WHO FANDOM. PURE, UNFILTERED CRACK. i can’t decide what’s better - six’s face, the question mark stencil, or
whimsicalspecks: mad-man-without-a-plan: ajnosftw: Twelve’s in for a makeover. THAT’S IT. THIS IS HOW I CONTRIBUTE TO THE DOCTOR WHO FANDOM. PURE, UNFILTERED CRACK. i can’t decide what’s better - six’s face, the question mark stencil, or
whimsicalspecks: mad-man-without-a-plan: ajnosftw: Twelve’s in for a makeover. THAT’S IT. THIS IS HOW I CONTRIBUTE TO THE DOCTOR WHO FANDOM. PURE, UNFILTERED CRACK. i can’t decide what’s better - six’s face, the question mark stencil, or