kelogsloops: Here Come the WaterworksWe’re told to be tough. To be stronger than we really are. To build up walls higher than we can hope to break them down. To never let anything in, for fear of getting hurt by those who just might come too close.
kelogsloops: Here Come the WaterworksWe’re told to be tough. To be stronger than we really are. To build up walls higher than we can hope to break them down. To never let anything in, for fear of getting hurt by those who just might come too close.
kelogsloops: Here Come the WaterworksWe’re told to be tough. To be stronger than we really are. To build up walls higher than we can hope to break them down. To never let anything in, for fear of getting hurt by those who just might come too close.
kelogsloops: Here Come the WaterworksWe’re told to be tough. To be stronger than we really are. To build up walls higher than we can hope to break them down. To never let anything in, for fear of getting hurt by those who just might come too close.