baremaidens: Ezca of Traveene is the keeper of some of the most powerful artifacts in Arta. Keeping them charged with Orgazmagice takes much of her time, but she enjoys it. From the world of Bare Maidens
baremaidens: Ezca of Traveene is the keeper of some of the most powerful artifacts in Arta. Keeping them charged with Orgazmagice takes much of her time, but she enjoys it. From the world of Bare Maidens
baremaidens: Ezca of Traveene is the keeper of some of the most powerful artifacts in Arta. Keeping them charged with Orgazmagice takes much of her time, but she enjoys it. From the world of Bare Maidens
baremaidens: Ezca of Traveene is the keeper of some of the most powerful artifacts in Arta. Keeping them charged with Orgazmagice takes much of her time, but she enjoys it. From the world of Bare Maidens
baremaidens: Ezca of Traveene is the keeper of some of the most powerful artifacts in Arta. Keeping them charged with Orgazmagice takes much of her time, but she enjoys it. From the world of Bare Maidens