teaboot: teaboot: I’m a bag of anxiety but also dense as fuck which is a great combo in social situations because when I screw up it plays off as sheer confidence “Eating a sandwich,” I answer happily, to what seems to be a positive reception.
teaboot: teaboot: I’m a bag of anxiety but also dense as fuck which is a great combo in social situations because when I screw up it plays off as sheer confidence “Eating a sandwich,” I answer happily, to what seems to be a positive reception.
teaboot: teaboot: I’m a bag of anxiety but also dense as fuck which is a great combo in social situations because when I screw up it plays off as sheer confidence “Eating a sandwich,” I answer happily, to what seems to be a positive reception.
teaboot: teaboot: I’m a bag of anxiety but also dense as fuck which is a great combo in social situations because when I screw up it plays off as sheer confidence “Eating a sandwich,” I answer happily, to what seems to be a positive reception.