thefingerfuckingfemalefury: drfitzmonster: my wife just found one of my inhalers in the branches of our xmas tree which means we either have ghosts or one of the cats hid my inhaler like a leopard hides a kill Cat: Hooman you forget this ornament
thefingerfuckingfemalefury: drfitzmonster: my wife just found one of my inhalers in the branches of our xmas tree which means we either have ghosts or one of the cats hid my inhaler like a leopard hides a kill Cat: Hooman you forget this ornament
thefingerfuckingfemalefury: drfitzmonster: my wife just found one of my inhalers in the branches of our xmas tree which means we either have ghosts or one of the cats hid my inhaler like a leopard hides a kill Cat: Hooman you forget this ornament
thefingerfuckingfemalefury: drfitzmonster: my wife just found one of my inhalers in the branches of our xmas tree which means we either have ghosts or one of the cats hid my inhaler like a leopard hides a kill Cat: Hooman you forget this ornament
thefingerfuckingfemalefury: drfitzmonster: my wife just found one of my inhalers in the branches of our xmas tree which means we either have ghosts or one of the cats hid my inhaler like a leopard hides a kill Cat: Hooman you forget this ornament
thefingerfuckingfemalefury: drfitzmonster: my wife just found one of my inhalers in the branches of our xmas tree which means we either have ghosts or one of the cats hid my inhaler like a leopard hides a kill Cat: Hooman you forget this ornament
thefingerfuckingfemalefury: drfitzmonster: my wife just found one of my inhalers in the branches of our xmas tree which means we either have ghosts or one of the cats hid my inhaler like a leopard hides a kill Cat: Hooman you forget this ornament
thefingerfuckingfemalefury: drfitzmonster: my wife just found one of my inhalers in the branches of our xmas tree which means we either have ghosts or one of the cats hid my inhaler like a leopard hides a kill Cat: Hooman you forget this ornament
thefingerfuckingfemalefury: drfitzmonster: my wife just found one of my inhalers in the branches of our xmas tree which means we either have ghosts or one of the cats hid my inhaler like a leopard hides a kill Cat: Hooman you forget this ornament
thefingerfuckingfemalefury: drfitzmonster: my wife just found one of my inhalers in the branches of our xmas tree which means we either have ghosts or one of the cats hid my inhaler like a leopard hides a kill Cat: Hooman you forget this ornament
thefingerfuckingfemalefury: drfitzmonster: my wife just found one of my inhalers in the branches of our xmas tree which means we either have ghosts or one of the cats hid my inhaler like a leopard hides a kill Cat: Hooman you forget this ornament
thefingerfuckingfemalefury: drfitzmonster: my wife just found one of my inhalers in the branches of our xmas tree which means we either have ghosts or one of the cats hid my inhaler like a leopard hides a kill Cat: Hooman you forget this ornament