gingerplutonian: 9th House The ninth house is ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter. The areas of life the 9th house rules over are travel, spirituality, morals, and education. Legal matters may also fall under the 9th house. This house is about experiencing
gingerplutonian: 9th House The ninth house is ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter. The areas of life the 9th house rules over are travel, spirituality, morals, and education. Legal matters may also fall under the 9th house. This house is about experiencing
gingerplutonian: 9th House The ninth house is ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter. The areas of life the 9th house rules over are travel, spirituality, morals, and education. Legal matters may also fall under the 9th house. This house is about experiencing
gingerplutonian: 9th House The ninth house is ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter. The areas of life the 9th house rules over are travel, spirituality, morals, and education. Legal matters may also fall under the 9th house. This house is about experiencing