thedalektables: «Run! A man’s voice, he’d screamed that at the both of them. [The girl] and the Other had run. She didn’t know what had happened to the Other, because she’d stumbled while escaping. The girl felt guilt pierce her heart, making
thedalektables: «Run! A man’s voice, he’d screamed that at the both of them. [The girl] and the Other had run. She didn’t know what had happened to the Other, because she’d stumbled while escaping. The girl felt guilt pierce her heart, making
thedalektables: «Run! A man’s voice, he’d screamed that at the both of them. [The girl] and the Other had run. She didn’t know what had happened to the Other, because she’d stumbled while escaping. The girl felt guilt pierce her heart, making
thedalektables: «Run! A man’s voice, he’d screamed that at the both of them. [The girl] and the Other had run. She didn’t know what had happened to the Other, because she’d stumbled while escaping. The girl felt guilt pierce her heart, making