tenscupcake: humility (noun) \hyu-mi-lə-tē\1. the feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others; lack of pride. (x) (video)
tenscupcake: humility (noun) \hyu-mi-lə-tē\1. the feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others; lack of pride. (x) (video)
tenscupcake: humility (noun) \hyu-mi-lə-tē\1. the feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others; lack of pride. (x) (video)
tenscupcake: humility (noun) \hyu-mi-lə-tē\1. the feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others; lack of pride. (x) (video)
tenscupcake: humility (noun) \hyu-mi-lə-tē\1. the feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others; lack of pride. (x) (video)
tenscupcake: humility (noun) \hyu-mi-lə-tē\1. the feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others; lack of pride. (x) (video)
tenscupcake: humility (noun) \hyu-mi-lə-tē\1. the feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others; lack of pride. (x) (video)
tenscupcake: humility (noun) \hyu-mi-lə-tē\1. the feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others; lack of pride. (x) (video)
tenscupcake: humility (noun) \hyu-mi-lə-tē\1. the feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others; lack of pride. (x) (video)
tenscupcake: humility (noun) \hyu-mi-lə-tē\1. the feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others; lack of pride. (x) (video)