capaldisbluetardis: The story of Nine and Rose is a story where a young girl who thought she was meant for nothing, showed the alien who believed himself a monster,to love and love life once again Inspired by the tags of this post [x]
capaldisbluetardis: The story of Nine and Rose is a story where a young girl who thought she was meant for nothing, showed the alien who believed himself a monster,to love and love life once again Inspired by the tags of this post [x]
capaldisbluetardis: The story of Nine and Rose is a story where a young girl who thought she was meant for nothing, showed the alien who believed himself a monster,to love and love life once again Inspired by the tags of this post [x]
capaldisbluetardis: The story of Nine and Rose is a story where a young girl who thought she was meant for nothing, showed the alien who believed himself a monster,to love and love life once again Inspired by the tags of this post [x]