polypoiesis: cortella: #No but how livid Ten is with TenToo about the whole genocide thing #Ten’s furious and shouty and definitely going to take away TenToo’s car keys and ground him for at least a month #And then there’s TenToo with his faaaaaaaaace
polypoiesis: cortella: #No but how livid Ten is with TenToo about the whole genocide thing #Ten’s furious and shouty and definitely going to take away TenToo’s car keys and ground him for at least a month #And then there’s TenToo with his faaaaaaaaace
polypoiesis: cortella: #No but how livid Ten is with TenToo about the whole genocide thing #Ten’s furious and shouty and definitely going to take away TenToo’s car keys and ground him for at least a month #And then there’s TenToo with his faaaaaaaaace
polypoiesis: cortella: #No but how livid Ten is with TenToo about the whole genocide thing #Ten’s furious and shouty and definitely going to take away TenToo’s car keys and ground him for at least a month #And then there’s TenToo with his faaaaaaaaace
polypoiesis: cortella: #No but how livid Ten is with TenToo about the whole genocide thing #Ten’s furious and shouty and definitely going to take away TenToo’s car keys and ground him for at least a month #And then there’s TenToo with his faaaaaaaaace
polypoiesis: cortella: #No but how livid Ten is with TenToo about the whole genocide thing #Ten’s furious and shouty and definitely going to take away TenToo’s car keys and ground him for at least a month #And then there’s TenToo with his faaaaaaaaace
polypoiesis: cortella: #No but how livid Ten is with TenToo about the whole genocide thing #Ten’s furious and shouty and definitely going to take away TenToo’s car keys and ground him for at least a month #And then there’s TenToo with his faaaaaaaaace
polypoiesis: cortella: #No but how livid Ten is with TenToo about the whole genocide thing #Ten’s furious and shouty and definitely going to take away TenToo’s car keys and ground him for at least a month #And then there’s TenToo with his faaaaaaaaace
polypoiesis: cortella: #No but how livid Ten is with TenToo about the whole genocide thing #Ten’s furious and shouty and definitely going to take away TenToo’s car keys and ground him for at least a month #And then there’s TenToo with his faaaaaaaaace