canforasoap: Francesco Fracanzano (Italian, 1612-1656) - Il re Tiridate implora san Gregorio perché gli vengano restituite sembianze umane (detail) [King Tiridates begs St. Gregory for the restoration of his human appearance], between 1635 and 1637.
canforasoap: Francesco Fracanzano (Italian, 1612-1656) - Il re Tiridate implora san Gregorio perché gli vengano restituite sembianze umane (detail) [King Tiridates begs St. Gregory for the restoration of his human appearance], between 1635 and 1637.
canforasoap: Francesco Fracanzano (Italian, 1612-1656) - Il re Tiridate implora san Gregorio perché gli vengano restituite sembianze umane (detail) [King Tiridates begs St. Gregory for the restoration of his human appearance], between 1635 and 1637.