His Adult Pics
Seriously? NO ONE has taken the name Flamel Emule on NovaRO? AHAHA fuck you mine now.
Seriously? NO ONE has taken the name Flamel Emule on NovaRO? AHAHA fuck you mine now.
Title: C8H11No3Pairing: Flamel/Eremesrating: R Because Eremes Likes To Swear At Flamela/N: The Dysfunctional Couple Is Back. I’m Now Around 99% Certain Flamel Broke Something In My Head. And Look! They’re A Couple! A Cute Couple! Look At How Precious
I’m So Fucking Broke On Nova Right Now. But Hey, I Got A Fucking +9 Hbp. \O/
I Think I've Lost My Mind
Honest Reactions Here.flamel Spotting My Fic:me After Flamel Reblogs My Fic:
Reblog If You Want A Love Letter From A Fictional Character In Your Ask Box Now
So Many Fandoms, So Little Time
Shipping: A Poem
Otpblr: Person A: “Why Do You Have A Knife?” Person B: “You Said We Were Having Fun Tonight.” Person A: “Yeah, Fun. You Know, I Take You To A Movie… A Restaurant.” Person B: “Oh. That Kind Of Fun.”
There Is No Finish Line
Now That I Spent The 400M On The +9 Hbp, I’m Free To Use My Following Zeny The Way I Please. And I Want That Flamel Card So Bad.
People Who Have Social Anxiety Disorder Are Terrified Of:
Mfw I Notice I Have 121 Venatu Cards In Storage:
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