His Adult Pics
i love myself! the way i just *clenches fists* fuck up everything all the time
i love myself! the way i just *clenches fists* fuck up everything all the time
i love myself! the way i just *clenches fists* fuck up everything all the time
Seriously? No One Has Taken The Name Flamel Emule On Novaro? Ahaha Fuck You Mine Now.
Title: C8H11No3Pairing: Flamel/Eremesrating: R Because Eremes Likes To Swear At Flamela/N: The Dysfunctional Couple Is Back. I’m Now Around 99% Certain Flamel Broke Something In My Head. And Look! They’re A Couple! A Cute Couple! Look At How Precious
I’m So Fucking Broke On Nova Right Now. But Hey, I Got A Fucking +9 Hbp. \O/
I Think I've Lost My Mind
Honest Reactions Here.flamel Spotting My Fic:me After Flamel Reblogs My Fic:
Reblog If You Want A Love Letter From A Fictional Character In Your Ask Box Now
So Many Fandoms, So Little Time
Shipping: A Poem
Otpblr: Person A: “Why Do You Have A Knife?” Person B: “You Said We Were Having Fun Tonight.” Person A: “Yeah, Fun. You Know, I Take You To A Movie… A Restaurant.” Person B: “Oh. That Kind Of Fun.”
There Is No Finish Line
Now That I Spent The 400M On The +9 Hbp, I’m Free To Use My Following Zeny The Way I Please. And I Want That Flamel Card So Bad.
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