Aha. Ahahaha. AHAHAHAHA.So. Guess who got to hand over a slap to the wrist to her previous supervisor? Yeehehehehehesss me. I’m am so. Goddamn. HAPPY. About it.So yesterday, he basically told me to take care of this other installation mess (which
Aha. Ahahaha. AHAHAHAHA.So. Guess who got to hand over a slap to the wrist to her previous supervisor? Yeehehehehehesss me. I’m am so. Goddamn. HAPPY. About it.So yesterday, he basically told me to take care of this other installation mess (which
Aha. Ahahaha. AHAHAHAHA.So. Guess who got to hand over a slap to the wrist to her previous supervisor? Yeehehehehehesss me. I’m am so. Goddamn. HAPPY. About it.So yesterday, he basically told me to take care of this other installation mess (which