geckopirateship: The Force Awakens theory: all Kylo Ren knows about Darth Vader is that he hated sand, so he invaded Jakku as part of his plan to destroy all the sand in the galaxy.
geckopirateship: The Force Awakens theory: all Kylo Ren knows about Darth Vader is that he hated sand, so he invaded Jakku as part of his plan to destroy all the sand in the galaxy.
geckopirateship: The Force Awakens theory: all Kylo Ren knows about Darth Vader is that he hated sand, so he invaded Jakku as part of his plan to destroy all the sand in the galaxy.
geckopirateship: The Force Awakens theory: all Kylo Ren knows about Darth Vader is that he hated sand, so he invaded Jakku as part of his plan to destroy all the sand in the galaxy.