hattedhedgehog: Buttons meows and gently headbutts people until the sads are gone. And then tends to get to snuggle in someone’s beard. Also, Bifur’s name for Buttons is the Iglishmêk sign for “orange” accompanied by purring.
hattedhedgehog: Buttons meows and gently headbutts people until the sads are gone. And then tends to get to snuggle in someone’s beard. Also, Bifur’s name for Buttons is the Iglishmêk sign for “orange” accompanied by purring.
hattedhedgehog: Buttons meows and gently headbutts people until the sads are gone. And then tends to get to snuggle in someone’s beard. Also, Bifur’s name for Buttons is the Iglishmêk sign for “orange” accompanied by purring.
hattedhedgehog: Buttons meows and gently headbutts people until the sads are gone. And then tends to get to snuggle in someone’s beard. Also, Bifur’s name for Buttons is the Iglishmêk sign for “orange” accompanied by purring.
hattedhedgehog: Buttons meows and gently headbutts people until the sads are gone. And then tends to get to snuggle in someone’s beard. Also, Bifur’s name for Buttons is the Iglishmêk sign for “orange” accompanied by purring.
hattedhedgehog: Buttons meows and gently headbutts people until the sads are gone. And then tends to get to snuggle in someone’s beard. Also, Bifur’s name for Buttons is the Iglishmêk sign for “orange” accompanied by purring.