faithbreaker: So here I am, once again, the dateless wonder. I keep telling myself I should be proud for standing up for what I believe in. And I guess I am. But LD? I really wanted to go to that stupid dance.
faithbreaker: So here I am, once again, the dateless wonder. I keep telling myself I should be proud for standing up for what I believe in. And I guess I am. But LD? I really wanted to go to that stupid dance.
faithbreaker: So here I am, once again, the dateless wonder. I keep telling myself I should be proud for standing up for what I believe in. And I guess I am. But LD? I really wanted to go to that stupid dance.
faithbreaker: So here I am, once again, the dateless wonder. I keep telling myself I should be proud for standing up for what I believe in. And I guess I am. But LD? I really wanted to go to that stupid dance.
faithbreaker: So here I am, once again, the dateless wonder. I keep telling myself I should be proud for standing up for what I believe in. And I guess I am. But LD? I really wanted to go to that stupid dance.
faithbreaker: So here I am, once again, the dateless wonder. I keep telling myself I should be proud for standing up for what I believe in. And I guess I am. But LD? I really wanted to go to that stupid dance.
faithbreaker: So here I am, once again, the dateless wonder. I keep telling myself I should be proud for standing up for what I believe in. And I guess I am. But LD? I really wanted to go to that stupid dance.